Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Is this guy trying to show me up?

So this Sophomore at Georgia Tech gave the convocation speech and it's all the fuss.

I'm not ashamed to admit he has me fired up. Kinda like Braveheart fired up. See this kid gets me. I used to be all involved in the Freshman thing. I did it for a living. Welcoming kids and changing their lives is basically what it boils down to. I'm no stranger to speeches either. I pretty much gave the best graduation speech to ever be echoed through the Rivercrest Auditorium. From my understanding they still have it etched into the sidewalk there.

There's no doubt I crush this guy in a speech off. Nick Selby if you're reading this, and I'm sure you probably are, you name the time and place and I'll be there. I would say just post it on the comments but I can't figure that shit out on here.

oh yeah and what the hell was he talking about on number 7? Like if that's stuff from there curriculum count me out. Absolutely no possibility to bullshit my way through that class.

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