Monday, May 19, 2014

Video X Games

Isn't the X-Games where people get really high and skateboard and shit? Not anymore! You're hearing it here first at the X-Games in Austin, TX Call of Duty will be a SPORT competing in the games. Are you fucking with me? I like to get shit faced and play some call of duty just as much as the next guy, but now you can get a medal for the shit.  Come to find these "Pro" Call of Duty players are kind of a big deal. They drive around in Mercedes and fly all over the country to play a video game  There was just a million dollar tournament in LA a couple weeks ago and first place took home $400,000. Want some advice kids? Fuck school! Drop out and pick up the Xbox controller and play until you win a million dollars and buy a yacht. That's what I would do. Here's a little footage I found from a recent Call of Duty event:

What rookies. You have to flip off the crowd and kick somebody in the nuts. I would keep writing but I'm hopping on the Xbox. Shits got me fired up.

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