Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Has Jeff Samardzija Officially Inherited the Curse of The Billy Goat?

Jeff Samardzija might be the most unlucky son of a bitch I've ever seen. Just another day at the office for this poor sapp, 7 IP, 4 H, 0 R .... wait for it ....   No decision!  No FUCKING decision???!!  It's almost comical at this point how the Cubs lose games for him.  A former Gold Glover throws it in the stands in the 9th to allow the tying run.  Unreal.  I saw a stat today that said teams are 122-19 when their starting pitchers goes 6+ IP with 0 runs allowed.  Cubs are 0-3 when he does it.  Inventing ways to lose.  

The only thing to do now is get rid of Shark and hope that somehow the Curse of the Billy Goat has become stuck in his hair.  

Fucking Cubs.  

P.S. - I'm back, bitches!

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