Friday, May 23, 2014

Deuce is Loose!

Joseph Robinson- aka JoJo - aka Deuce- has received good news yesterday, having been released from federal robbery charges from an incident in Miami on April 24. According to his father, JoJo was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"He got into a car with a friend who normally takes him home after working out," Robinson said. "(JoJo) didn't know what was going on. He stayed in the car. They picked him and the driver up, and the guy who was doing everything ran. They still don't have him in custody. -Matt Jones, Arkansas Democratic Gazette

Looks like the Hogs caught a break finally. One of our best recruits, a 3 star who decommitted from FSU, (why the fuck would you do this? Whatever. not complaining...) and arguably the most explosive skill player on our team, is off the hook for armed robbery.

Surely I'm not the only one that read the above comment from JoJo's dad and thought, "damn, I wish we would've signed his buddy who is on the run." If you've ever watched Cops you know how hard it is to run from the po-po. Hey, I'm not saying it's good to run from cops, but I'm also saying it's not necessarily that bad, as long as you get away. This missing degenerate obviously has the tools we need with a speed, agility, elusiveness combo.

In all seriousness it's good to have JoJo join the team. At this point I'll settle for any positive news surrounding the Hogs football team. Especially after seeing a vanilla spring game that gave me no hope of us improving.

Deuce is Loose. #1-0

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