Friday, May 23, 2014

Deuce is Loose!

Joseph Robinson- aka JoJo - aka Deuce- has received good news yesterday, having been released from federal robbery charges from an incident in Miami on April 24. According to his father, JoJo was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"He got into a car with a friend who normally takes him home after working out," Robinson said. "(JoJo) didn't know what was going on. He stayed in the car. They picked him and the driver up, and the guy who was doing everything ran. They still don't have him in custody. -Matt Jones, Arkansas Democratic Gazette

Looks like the Hogs caught a break finally. One of our best recruits, a 3 star who decommitted from FSU, (why the fuck would you do this? Whatever. not complaining...) and arguably the most explosive skill player on our team, is off the hook for armed robbery.

Surely I'm not the only one that read the above comment from JoJo's dad and thought, "damn, I wish we would've signed his buddy who is on the run." If you've ever watched Cops you know how hard it is to run from the po-po. Hey, I'm not saying it's good to run from cops, but I'm also saying it's not necessarily that bad, as long as you get away. This missing degenerate obviously has the tools we need with a speed, agility, elusiveness combo.

In all seriousness it's good to have JoJo join the team. At this point I'll settle for any positive news surrounding the Hogs football team. Especially after seeing a vanilla spring game that gave me no hope of us improving.

Deuce is Loose. #1-0

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Has Jeff Samardzija Officially Inherited the Curse of The Billy Goat?

Jeff Samardzija might be the most unlucky son of a bitch I've ever seen. Just another day at the office for this poor sapp, 7 IP, 4 H, 0 R .... wait for it ....   No decision!  No FUCKING decision???!!  It's almost comical at this point how the Cubs lose games for him.  A former Gold Glover throws it in the stands in the 9th to allow the tying run.  Unreal.  I saw a stat today that said teams are 122-19 when their starting pitchers goes 6+ IP with 0 runs allowed.  Cubs are 0-3 when he does it.  Inventing ways to lose.  

The only thing to do now is get rid of Shark and hope that somehow the Curse of the Billy Goat has become stuck in his hair.  

Fucking Cubs.  

P.S. - I'm back, bitches!

Daily Fantasy May 21st

I apologize for the late post and the lack of description for the players. Busy day.

Rockies looks like rain and you may want to stay clear. Orioles has a chance of rain, and the Mets have a rain chance.

stacks I like Oakland 3-6 and Rockies 1-4  for value I like the cards 1-4.

Pitching: Take two studs and a reliever. I like Ross and Santana, but Wacha and Weaver are good options. If you want to save a little money Eovaldi and Quintana are solid. For your RP take Chisek. I think he has the highest probability of a save tonight.

Catcher: yadi, Rosario, Norris, Ruiz

1st: Freeman, Moss, Pujols

2nd: Kolten Wong, Dee Gordon, Gyrko

3rd. Sandoval, Arenado, Dondaldson, Fransisco

SS: Tulo or Hanley

OF: all Rockies and Giants, Seth Smith, Adam Jones, Cepedes, Justin Upton

You don't even need me to explain why these motherfuckers are good. Just pick em' and lets get this cash.

I Smell A Title

It's hard to be humble when you're a Hogs fan. Them pigs are hot! The Razorbacks have won their last 20 games or something like that and we get Chris Oliver on the mound today against Ole Miss. Hogs are 10-4 with Oliver on the hill this year and last time he played Ole Miss he shut shit down. We win this game and I think the title is ours. We are going to host a regional and dominate that bitch. Then go to a Super and out pitch everyone. Might as well finish it off with a National Championship. WOOOOO PIG SOOOOOIIIEEE!!!! WE GOT THAT WOOD!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

100 Days

"If you gone do it den, Do it big den"- Jameis Winston

I can't think of a better quote to begin the 100 day countdown. Am I the only one who thinks Jameis is the next OJ? He is well on his way. Already got the Heisman and stealing shit down pact. It's a different college football we are going to be seeing this year. No Johnny Football, No Clowney, No Michael Sam and no BCS, We finally got rid of all the bad shit in college football. As a hogs fan I think the SEC has dropped down to our level this year and we may sneak in an SEC championship this year. I also huffed a lot of paint thinner before I began typing. Either way fuck Les Miles. I mean am I right? Dude is a complete tool. Stay tuned to the countdown HitStick enthusiast. I'll get you through these 100 days. To easy the pain, we are bringing you a countdown of the top 100 hottest college cheerleaders and maybe a run down of a few teams. Me and the commish will bash our heads together and spit out a top 25 as well.

Checking in at 100 is Alabama.

ok this chick is a straight dime, but Alabama can't win everything so it'll help me sleep better seeing them in last place.

Daily Fantasy May 20th

First off, today is much different than yesterday. Games everywhere, money everywhere, and rain is mostly staying out of the way. Hop on over to draftstreet and enter this DSBC. It'll cost you 22 bucks and if you roll out the best line-up you're going to get a chance at 1million. Its dumb not to at least try. You buy lottery tickets don't you?

Weather: Looks like there may be an issue in the Yankees game so keep up with that. Also looking wet in the Pirates game. One of the bigger games, Rockies/Giants has a chance of rain. Make sure to be checking weather up until lock time.

Vegas: Rockies/Giants 10, Toronto/Boston 9.5. If the long ball gets your panties wet then tune into these contests as the balls will leave the yard often.

Stacks: My value stack of the day is the Cardinals against the D'backs. Take 1-4 or 2-5. You could also just take the lefties like Carpenter, Jay, and Adams. Bronson is a limp dick righty and the Cards are heating the bats up lately.

Premium Stack would be Toronto against Doubront and I would take the 2-5 there for homer potential and leave Reyes out.

Pitching: You can really go anyway with this. There is so much talent at pitcher with so many good match-ups that you can pick and choose whoever you want. I'm gonna roll out Wainwright, Ventura, and Correia in most leagues. Wainwright is the cheapest ace at 19k and Tanaka is asian. I don't think the White Sox can put together two good days even if they had Abreu making Ventura a good play. Correia isn't very good, but the Padres look like that fat girl you took home Saturday and Corriea is in Petco Park. You can roll out so many other: Verlander, Fister, Teheran and the list goes on. Just don't be the Douche Bag that takes Cueto at 26k, no pitcher is ever worth a 4th of your salary.

Catcher: Buster Posey. Thats all. If you need to save money roll with Yadi.

1st: Cabrera, Moss, Encarnacion, Freeman, all the stud cocks are in play tonight. I like Moss personally with the wOBA against the Odorizzi.

2nd: Cano or Dee Gordon. If Gordon gets on base twice he will probably steal 6 bases. You can show your balls a little and take Hicks at Coors.

3rd: Longoria and Arenado are my faves. Pablo Sandoval could be that sneaky gpp play.

SS: TULO. If you pick anyone else you are losing money.
he has that much penis.

OF: Bautista is going to hit a homer! write that shit down.  Hunter Pence is also gonna throw a dong out there. I like stubbs as a cheaper option. Stanton rips the ball at home. John Jay is also somebody I like as a cheaper option.

There are so many guys in play tonight that I think you have to have multiple rosters and hope one hits big. Hit Stick Sports is showing that wood tonight!

We Jumpin' Street Again!

I haven't been this excited since I found my first boner. 21 Jump Street was on point and 22 is on the way in June. Not so slim shady and a well choreographed stripper are cracking skulls and fucking whores in college. Basically, it looks like the same movie but with more explosions, titties, drugs, and comedy. Sign me up. If there's anything I know about movies, its that Channing Tatum brings the women, Ice Cube brings the brothers, and Jonah Hill was better fat. I'm pre-ordering my tickets right now so I'm guaranteed a seat.

That's how its done. Right in the crack! I smell an Emmy!